Geek - Geeks are individuals who show a lot of creative outlet, generally are young, and are quick learners and intelligent. Geeks are in your school, workplace, church congregation, on your TV, in your magazines, and your next-door neighbors, and geeks are not limited strictly to computer-related endeavors, they don't even have to have ever touched a computer in their life. By modern definition, geeks are people who pursue a certain interest and have one or more creative outlet in their life. Concordantly, people have been labeled as or chosen to identify themselves as physics geeks, mathematics geeks, engineering geeks, sci-fi geeks, computer geeks, various science geeks, movie and film geeks, comic book geeks, theatre geeks, history geeks, music geeks, art geeks, philosophy geeks, literature geeks, and roleplay geeks, and the list goes on. In the end, there is a little geek in all of us, even if we dont realize it.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

GoGo Speed Racer Go!

Well its here, the third blockbuster for the season is finally showing. Speed Racer, by the Wachowski brothers, creator of the Matrix Trilogy has been playing in theaters in the Philippines for 3 days now and i have just come back from the movie theaters finished from watching the film.

I really don't know where to start. I've been waiting to watch this film not because i am a fan, nor i believe it is a very good movie. I could say that there are only two reasons why i watched this film. the first is because i was interested in the visual effects of the film. Truly, people might not notice but the trailers really sell every film out there. Its the draw getter for people to get interested and eventually watch the film. Sad to say that i am one of the sheep that were actually drawn to the film because of the trailer. the second reason, and probably the most important, its a Wachawski movie. Directed by those brothers that gave us, in my opinion, the most important film for out generation, the Matrix (matrix 2 and 3 were ok, but for me, a bit like a filler to say they made a trilogy). The first one will always be the best of the three. But enough of the matrix, and lets start talking about the movie in review, Speed Racer.

I have read a lot of reviews about this film and a majority of them has given a thumbs down on it , at the very most an average rating. They rant about how the movie was a feat of visual entertainment, and how it captured the feel of the 60's anime, but it failed to capture the essence of the anime. Some disliked the storyline, some opposed the script, and some ranted a lot about how the movie was confusing and had no point whatsoever. I do share some of their opinions, but overall it was a great film. To rate this film, i think i have to consider the kinds of people who will watch it. I believe that i can put these people three categories.

The first, and the most common, are the average run of the mill people. People who come to the theater to be entertained and nothing more. These are the people who would, for example, talk about the matrix film, as a great action film, and nothing more, not taking to account the fact that the story had a deeper meaning and would not appreciate the complexity of the story. These are the kinds of people who would hear the line "there is no spoon" and think nothing of it. Well this category of people will definitely enjoy this film. There is no lack of action, and visual stimulation in the movie. A stunning array of colors vividly portrayed on the big screen. Tully as most critics would say, Like a modern day anime, coming to life in the silver screen. Full of action, and no shortage of slow motion in places that would cater for a second look, visually done in a manner not seen so often, truly an action filled movie, especially if you like racing.

The second category of people are, well i could say, are the intellectual type. These are the kinds of people that would normally chose what they watch, looking for depth, story, and a good script, or could possibly just professional critics. I should say this now, If your reading this, critics are not Gods, altho some of them think they are, they are not. Look, critics are there to give their "opinion" on a certain thing, place, movie, series, or event. OPINION, take that word to heart, cuz its their personal opinion about the specific topic. Just because they say its no good, doesn't mean that it is really no good. Go out and experience it yourself and make up your damn mind about it. Where was i, oh yeah, this category of people will really not like this film. Its a Wachowski brothers film i know, but if your going to compare this to, lets say, the matrix, then your way off base. The First film was full of originality, plots, and storylines with deeper meanings, Speed Racer is a live action movie based on a Japanese cartoon series in the 60 about a bout, his car, and a few races. There isn't much depth there i would say. This is why i believe that most movie critics have given this movie a poor rating. But, in my OPINION, these critics failed to see the beauty of the structure of the film, I'll be talking about this later in detail.

The Third category of people are somewhere in between these two. People who could appreciate what a stunning visual masterpiece this is, full of action and innovative cinematography. People who love a good action movie as the next guy but is intelligent enough to understand the complexity of the storyline. To appreciate how the story was told, simple as it was, this movie was expressed in a very artistic way. Yes i know that it has a simple story structure, but this is where the critics got it wrong, and a lot of people got confused while watching the film. You do remember that this is the Wachowski brothers were talking about. IF you were them, and you have this huge expectation coming from people who watch your anticipated film, how would you present a simple story to an audience expecting something they have come to expect as mind blowing. Well you break up the story and present it piece by piece using flashbacks and foreshadowing. Yes i would be the first one to acknowledge this, the movie was confusing at some parts, this is because the answers to whatever question you have have been distributed all across the film, not presented after the question but sometime in the beginning or somewhere else in the story. This is what i believe the critics missed. Although it would come to most people as a garbled story, but if you would open your mind, absorb everything you hear, and at the end of the film organize your thoughts, you would realize that it was beautifully done. As an example of this is sometime in the beginning of the film, there will be a scene where speed, as a young boy, will show his red socks to his older brother during a flashback. The reason for this would only be explained sometime 2/3 of the movie. But in the end, after you have accumulated your thoughts, answered your questions, you will come to realize, just as i have, that its weakest point was the story. Sad to say, although the story made sense and somewhat realistic (I'm using realistic loosely), beautifully presented, and with the flashbacks and foreshadowing made the story deeper that it was, it was in fact simple. There was some attempt by the Wachowskis to give a deeper meaning, having to explain the corruption and the deeper motivation of the races, giving you a glimpse of what might be the "real" case in our so called world of racing, in the end it was drowned by the "beautiful" way the story was presented.

So i guess its time for the verdict. To start it of, you should watch this film, no if, thens or buts about it. You can be a person from any of the categories that i have listed and you would still walk away with something thrilling from this film. It is nothing short of a work of art, animated, filmed with live people, enhanced, and presented on the big screen. Just the sheer visual effects alone will make you cheer and ride the edge of your seat. Beautifully done, and nothing less, visually anyway, from the Wachowski brothers, who again has not failed to present a stunning treat for the eyes.

My Rating: 7.5/10 (Its the story that failed to get me to give a higher rating. Lets just say that 5 points of that were the visuals alone.)
Replayability: 3 (its a scale on how many times I can watch the movie over and over before your tired of it.)